To say this experience is life changing is an understatement! The energy in a room of people passionate about yoga is indescribable. You will not only transform yourself in both mind and body you will become a part of a supportive and strong community. Jen is brilliant as a yoga instructor and human. She will root for you and push you to do things you didn’t even know you could or should do. Forever grateful for this experience. Life will unfold and doors will open in unimaginable ways. Thank you Jen for helping me find my flow and further developing my intuition and yoga practice. Yoga state is a sacred space, where all things are possible! What a blessing to earn your 200 hr yoga teacher training from Jen!
-Michelle Filipiak (YTT 2014)
My name is Dot Blackwell. I am the Superintendent of Vassar Public Schools and a yoga teacher trained by Jen Hayes in 2016. I was lucky enough to have my yoga teacher teaching alongside my son! Being one of the older students, I was concerned I couldn't keep up, but Jen was a clear and concise teacher. She constantly challenged me, and I am a better yoga teacher for it. I have been fortunate enough from her training to continue to teach weekly at the local gym and travel to Jamaica and Mexico to teach yoga at vacation resorts.
Yoga State's training program under Jen's leadership exemplifies what a yoga teacher should be; you can't learn it online or read it in a book. Jen's hands-on style and demand for understanding the roots of yoga are necessary to become a genuinely enlightened yoga teacher. Thank you, Jen!
-Dot Blackwell (YTT 2016)
I decided to take Jen’s class in an effort to fix my back. I was very strong as an athlete through high school and stayed in the gym long after. I thought I was fit but I could throw my back out sneezing on a regular basis. At the age of 24, 2-3 months a year I could barely turn my head. Years of poor form on compound lifts were catching up to me. I’ve done “yoga” on and off since I was a kid and thought I was doing it right cause my body was in the right place (more or less) and I could hold the positions so I always kept it up for flexibility. As my problems got worse, I did more “yoga”. Once it got to where simply doing “yoga” was painful, I knew something was up.
Within the first week or two of teacher training, I’d learned that almost all my joints were positioned wrong, and I had to heavily modify almost all of the basic positions simply to stop large muscle groups from going slack, and that was just the beginning. I don’t know what I really expected from taking the class but permanently fixing my back 5 weeks in with good fundamentals and some Uddiyana Bandha work definitely wasn’t it. Jen’s clear instruction, skillful adjustments and enthusiastic encouragement, along with her associate trainers, make even the most grueling of training exercises fun and worthwhile.
While I’ve been slacking and the root problems I pushed out of my back have finally hit my elbows and knees, I haven’t had a single back spasm in the years since I completed the course. I never really intended to become a yoga instructor. However, it has been my pleasure to pass on what I learned at Yoga State to many friends and family to help them better their lives as well. I highly recommend the three month Yoga State Teacher Training class for anyone who has a desire to take Yoga more seriously. Doubly so for everyone with mobility issues. Even if it’s just for the friends you’ll meet along the way, it’s time well spent.
-Ethan Dunbar (YTT 2019)
Signing up for Yoga State’s teacher training was hands down one of the best decisions I have ever made. 7 years later, I still point to it as a life defining moment. It feels cliché to say that Teacher Training changed my life, but it truly did.
Coming from a software engineering background, I was very stressed and always "on the go". Teacher Training gave me the mindfulness needed to reflect on my life, where I was going, and how to slow down and reduce stress associated with all the above. It gave me a new perspective entering the professional world, and is a major reason that I am now moving into a VP of Engineering role. Without the meditative practices, and mindful reflections, I wouldn't be where I am today.
Jen has structured an incredible course that brings you closer to others in the community, but most importantly closer to yourself. Even though I didn't teach at many yoga studios in an official capacity following this course, MY own practice advanced to areas I never thought possible. Through this course I now have a greater understanding of how my own body moves, how to maintain it better, and where my physical "edge" is. I can say without a doubt that this training course also hardened me mentally, reduced my anxiety, and allowed me to push myself further than ever before.
On top of all of the above, this course was genuinely so much FUN! I would do it again in a heartbeat.
-Anthony Laurain (YTT 2016)
Yoga States’s 200 hour training program was so worth it! Not only do you learn so much about yoga, but you learn about yourself. It is an intense program that will make anyone a great yoga teacher. You’ll gain valuable experience with practicing and teaching yoga. I loved this program for so many reasons. You’ll love this program too if you are interested in special guest speakers, volunteering opportunities, self study/journaling, practice classes, great friends, and more. Invest in yourself.
-Libbie Kahl (YTT 2019)
I’ve studied yoga all over the US and the world, and I can confidently say without a doubt that Jen is a phenomenal instructor. She has a very deep understanding and awareness of the body which she is able to communicate and teach well to her students. Her 200 hour teacher training course is as much about self development and inner exploration as it is about teaching and developing the practice. She expects commitment from her students, however only because she commits so much of herself to the program in return. Ultimately, some of the key metrics of an outstanding teacher are selflessness, sincerity, and compassion. You will find all of those in Jen. She is fierce, yet compassionate, intense, but also nurturing. If you are sincere about deepening your yoga practice, I highly recommend this program.
-Nikhil Patel (YTT 2019)
Before I started yoga teacher training, I was doubtful that I would ever teach a yoga class. I have always had a fear of speaking in public.
I was most interested in honing my personal practice and curious about yogic philosophy.
I did learn everything I needed to know about breaking down yoga asanas and keeping my body safe during my yoga practice.
What I didn’t expect was that the yoga philosophy would completely change my mindset & well being.
Even when the times are tough, I have the tools on my tool-belt to look them head on with ease, versus run from them.
It has catapulted me into the highest version of myself. I am forever grateful for yoga teacher training. 🙏🏼
-Allie Pratt (YTT 2020)
I took YTT at Yoga State in the spring of 2021. I hadn’t practiced much in a studio before COVID and had the opportunity to take the virtual training. Despite taking class at home, it was engaging, eye-opening, and fun!
Jen teaches with grace and humility while challenging students to push outside of their comfort zones. The support and safe space provided gave me an opportunity to reflect and grow physically, mentally, and spiritually alongside individuals of different backgrounds and yoga practice experiences.
I was challenged and encouraged deeply during YTT and would highly recommend it to anyone at any point in their journey with yoga.
-Andy Plasencia (YTT 2021)
Yoga states teacher training program is truly as great, if not better, as all the other testimonials have said. I started my teacher training in January of 2023 during the second week of my 2 weeks for $20 beginner special. Prior to that, I had practiced yoga less than five times in my life. In complete honesty, i didn't have valaient, enlightening reasons for going i just wanted to get in better shape for the new year, but when I heard about from the YS teachers about the program I felt like I couldn't not do it. At that time I was dealing--more accurately, not dealing--with the sudden passing of one of the closest people in my life. On top of that, I had unrelenting stress about graduating from MSU and moving to a new place. I felt like I was being consumed by my own thoughts and I didn't know how to stop it but as cheesy as it is, Teacher Training gave me the tools to stop it. It was hard, really unbelievably hard. But there is no doubt in my mind that YS, Jen, the other trainees, and yoga itself changed my perspective for life. I didn't even know what life changing moments were in store and you simply can't unless you've spent 200+ hours sitting on the floor of the studio after hours, or picking Jen's mind about anything and everything, or bonding with the fellow trainees about how hard it really is, or sharing a silent laugh kid class when you face plant doing a new balance pose. The yoga bottom (more details at yoga states 2024 TT) hit astoundingly hard, but not only was the entire group there to help me up, I learned how to help myself. There are few rooms in my life that are as special to me as the studio at Yoga State, the place where Ive gotten more bruises and taken more tumbles than ever before but also where I felt myself growing into a person I always wanted to be. Jen held me accountable not to her, but to myself and I will always be grateful that she was the person I chose to learn from. "You can do hard things," and you really should do this.
-Mimi Wujek (YTT 2023)
The teacher training program at Yoga State is a really transformative experience. Physically, I could feel myself getting stronger, but what I gained the most was becoming aware of and strengthening the connection between mind and body. The effect it has on your physical practice but even more so just existing in everyday life. I learned to listen more to my body, and in return I gained more confidence and trust in myself.
-Brittany Thayer (YTT 2020)
In the middle of my crazy, busy, hectic life I suddenly found myself with this unrelenting desire to become a yoga teacher. “Where should I train?” became my question. A teacher friend of mine suggested that I visit different studios until I found one that resonated with me. That’s exactly what I found when I came to Yoga State. But, being a full-time working mom, I began to doubt whether I had the time to devote to a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training. Further, I was self-conscious that I was older and that my body was just not able to do many of the poses that everyone else seemed to be capable of. But … then I met Jen Hayes. She sat with me on multiple occasions, listened to my concerns, heard every one of my reasons about why “it might not be the best time for me to do this,” until she helped me see that now was the PERFECT time to take teacher training. This program cracked my heart wide open. There’s really no other way to describe it. My father passed away in the middle of training, but Jen showed me how to breathe my way through it. I learned that I can do hard things, both on and off the mat. I am stronger, wiser, braver and more open-hearted than when I first walked through her doors. Maybe it’s the perfect time for you to show up for yourself too. If so, what are you waiting for?
-Elizabeth Kunc (YTT 2019)
I signed up for YTT in 2014 in a spur of the moment after only taking a handful of yoga classes. I unexpectedly found myself back in East Lansing in a high stress job and yoga offered a justification for turning off my phone for one hour. I had no intention of ever teaching, but figured 2000 hours of instruction would make me a more informed student.
Fast forward 8 years, completing certification under Jen’s instruction was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Teaching yoga has opened more doors professionally and personally than I can count. It’s provided new studio communities when I knew no one, it helped me connect in diverse populations, and it has to continued to make me a more humble, vulnerable person every time I step in front of a class. Yoga State’s YTT provided a strong foundation of anatomy and yogic practices for me to go on to become certified in teaching trauma informed yoga classes and gave me the confidence to safely lead anyone through their practice.
I’d make the decision again in a heartbeat. You will not find a Yoga State or a Jen anywhere else. Trust me, I’ve looked.
-Jacey Kloeckner (YTT 2014)
I started my yoga journey at Yoga State with one of my best friends I met at Michigan State during my junior year. That year we made it a tradition to go to a $5 class together every Sunday. Going every Sunday transformed into going to Yoga State about 2-3 times a week for a year and a half. The minute I began practicing yoga consistently, I knew I wanted to do teacher training, but didn’t have the courage to do it.
Finally after contemplating after that entire year and a half, Jen and I sat down and discussed the idea after class. She said, “Do the things that scare you and worry about it later.” I knew this was the place that saved me at one of my lowest points, so I knew that there could be only positive consequences. I’m so glad I made the decision to do it. It was one of the greatest periods of growth in all aspects of my life thus far. Jen is one of the most special human beings I’ve ever met, and she takes the time to mentor each and every student. She gets to know you on and off the mat, and you grow with your classmates as a family.
I completed my training in spring/winter of 2020-21, so half was virtual and half was in-person, but the lessons I’ve learned will last a lifetime. Although I graduated from MSU spring of 2020, and moved back home to attend an accelerated nursing program, all of the limbs of yoga have helped me through this season of life. I plan on coming back and finishing the training to become a certified yoga instructor, but I encourage you to do it even if you don’t want to become a teacher. You learn to be curious, strong, empowered, and you’re allowed to feel the imperfections. You’re allowed to be vulnerable and sit in those spaces of “weakness.” Those times of being uncomfortable and in the unknown are where you find yourself and where you flourish.
-Alaina Pierson (YTT 2020)
The Yoga State Teacher Training program is AMAZING! Whether you're considering this program because you want to teach or you are looking to deepen your personal practice, you will not be disappointed. The studio is beyond fabulous, Jen is an incredible teacher, the knowledge is invaluable, and the depth of the personal exploration is absolutely transformative. The feelings of love, connection and community gained through this program have helped me to become the very best me I can be.
-Rachael Lantrip (YTT 2017)
Yoga State Teacher Training with Jen was one of the best things I ever did for myself. Jen is an incredible teacher, mentor, human being. She put in a lot of work to make sure that her students were learning how to teach all the poses correctly, safely and with the most benefits. She also put major emphasis on her connection to her students, their connection to each other, and our connection to ourselves. All of which provided so much confidence when I went out and began teaching classes. Everything I learned and all the connections I formed during my training became a vital part of my personal growth and I would not be the person I am today without having done this training. If you are considering doing this I HIGHLY recommend you go for it.
-Liberty Glaser (YTT 2015)
Enrolling in Yoga State’s 200 hour YTT in the Spring of 2017 completely reinvented my yoga practice. After practicing for 4 years I was amazed at how much I had left to learn.
Jen teaches a very in depth and well developed course, and is incredibly attentive to students. She provides tons of individualized feedback and one-on-one instruction to everyone in the class. The course was also well designed to fit into my busy schedule and accommodate the needs of very ambitious people. Integrating teachings into daily life made the experience even more valuable, developing my yoga and mindfulness practices in sustainable ways. From asana, breath, and mindfulness to the biology and history of yoga, the knowledge and skills from this course continue to be part of my practice today.
I recommend Yoga State’s YTT program to anyone I meet wanting to deepen their practice. Whether you want to teach or are just ready to take your yoga to a new level, this program will provide everything you need.
-Katie Harger (YTT 2017)
I enrolled in Teacher Training during my senior year at Michigan State, which was a huge transition period in my life. I had never done yoga before attending my first day of training, and I had no idea just how much this program would influence my life moving forward.
The physical, mental, and emotional gains that this program can provide are invaluable. After a few years of feeling a lack of purpose and direction post-COVID, YTT gave me my confidence back. And, as a bonus, I made some of the most meaningful friendships I’ve had.
Jen, as well as the other instructors at Yoga State, are true talents. Although I have tried out tons of different studios in my new city, I’ve been unable to find a studio that has all the creativity, community, and challenge that Yoga State provides. No matter where my yoga journey continues to take me in life, Yoga State will always be my home base.
-Katie Reiman (YTT 2023)
I was nervous to start teacher training - I am afraid of long commitments and was not sure what to expect. Needless to say, I am so grateful to have taken this journey. Yoga teacher training changed my life. Ever since, I have felt stronger, more love for myself and those around me, more peace, more accepting of what it is that comes my way. Jens teaching was and continues to be so powerful - she pushes you to be stronger than you might have imagined. What Jen taught us is what I’ve needed my whole life to break the walls I was constantly building around myself. With this teaching I have left feeling connection with myself much more deeply. I am so proud to say that I was taught to teach yoga at Yoga State :) this is something I will always hold close to me, and will always serve as a reminder that I CAN do hard things!
-Tina Deychakiwsky (YTT 2023)
It’s important for me to know Jen is out there as the force she is. I respect her completely. In my world that’s a small club.
I will need her in my life.
She’s kind, of course, but her strength is kind of integrated with her being. Stronger than she looks that’s for sure.
As a teacher she is wonderful, amazing, demanding and fair.
Most Yoginis thrive in the realm of a broader forum of the tradition, including many good and wonderful teachings by
masters new and old. I enjoy all that myself and have read and studied extensively. I feel Jen knows all that. But its just a part of her naturally.
She doesn’t seem to preach. And maybe knows the spiritual side deeper and more intrinsically. She’s the most spiritual, but comes off to me as non spiritual.
I recognize that in her and it seems really rare and wonderful.
I was lucky enough to take Teacher Training with her in 2016 and it was a time my elderly Mother was in declining health. A hugely stressful time for me.
Yoga training saved me then. And now years later I still feel supported by her.
Love her.
-James Peery (YTT 2016)
I would recommend Yoga States teacher training to anyone and everyone!
I grew up practicing with and taking from Jen so when the pandemic happened and there was a chance to take her training virtually I couldn’t resist. The training did not disappoint. Jen poured all their energy into teacher training to ensure you walk away from the class not only knowing how to safely guide a class but how to confidently do so. They do this by making sure you check your ego at the door and demanding you give your best effort. The best part is that they WILL NOT let you give up on yourself no matter how challenging the course gets.
Aside from the incredible emotional guidance you will receive, Jen will push you to fully understand each posture technically. I have been practicing for years and years and I learned things daily in teacher training. She’s also extremely collaborative, so if you want to learn or work on something specific Jen will do her best to adjust the course to fit those needs.
Overall, if you are working to further your own practice or become a strong teacher, this is the course for you!
-Ashton Miller (YTT 2021)
The yoga state teacher training program was very thorough and enriching to my personal practice. While I have not pursued teaching yoga professionally I feel I was given the tools to be successful if I had pursued that. Tons of practice teaching and feedback throughout the process!
-James Elsey (YTT 2016)
Yoga State’s teacher training program is one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had and is an accomplishment that will forever be remembered. Having been practicing at Yoga State for about a year, this training was a logical step to deepening my understanding of the various aspects of yoga. As expected, I learned a vast amount of information about each pose and its benefits to the human body. What I was not expecting was the amount of personal growth and healing I obtained as a result of my participation as a student in this training program. Jen Hayes is truly a master and has cultivated a beautiful community where everyone feels welcome and where going to yoga class feels like you are visiting family. The teacher training program exemplifies this and takes it to a much deeper level. Jen’s commitment to excellence and high expectations motivate each student to be their best and participants leave the program with the skills and tools needed to teach their own class regardless of their level of prior yoga experience. I continue to apply yoga life lessons that I learned from Jen and from this training in my daily life and will forever be grateful for having had the opportunity to be a part of the Yoga State teacher training program.
-Shannon Nedds (YTT 2017)
I completed my 200 hour yoga teacher training at Yoga State in 2022 after starting in the 2020 class pre-pandemic. I had practiced yoga on/off for some time and felt compelled to go a step further and grow in my yoga knowledge, so I started looking at different YTT programs in the area. I took a class with Jen called “Yoga The Place to Begin” which was workshop style and I knew right away that I wanted to do my YTT with Jen at Yoga State. I wanted to learn more about yoga’s roots, the philosophy of yoga, and grow in my physical practice and felt confident I would achieve that at YS. I immediately found that YTT is more than just poses and reading about yoga’s history, but about connection, introspection, and even sometimes getting uncomfortable to push yourself into a space of growth. I learned about all of the 8 limbs of yoga, met wonderful people who have become my yoga family/community, all while learning from the amazing Jen Hayes. If you are on the fence trying to decide if this YTT is right for you - just go for it! Do this for yourself. You won’t regret it.
-Mallorie Kettlehut (YTT 2022)
Yoga Teacher Training at Yoga State truly changed the outlook on my life!
Initially I was assigned an internship I had to complete before graduation from MSU. I talked to Jen and had the option to do a lighter load of an internship helping around the studio OR dive into a teacher training that gets so much deeper. I had never taken a single yoga class before in my life, so as you can imagine at was pretty apprehensive about joining a program to be a yoga teacher. Jen talked about how I didn’t need any prior knowledge/experience and that it was all around an amazing experience. I decided to do the training and BOY!!! I learned AND CONTINUE TO LEARN so much about myself, the yoga practice or the wonderful yoga community created. This training brought a connection back within myself that had been missing for years. It has forever changed my life because of the way I have been able to apply what I learned every single meeting to my every day life — even to this day.
Jen is an incredible friend, coach and role model and there is absolutely nothing I would trade for my experience at Yoga State. Jen cares for each and every one of her students and is alongside their growth along the way.
No matter how old you are, where you’re at in your life physically, emotionally or mentally, I’d recommend going through teacher training. It truly is something special.
-Rachel Lenz (YTT 2022)
I started yoga teacher training on a whim with only two weeks of yoga experience. This training is perfect for any level of experience. Jen is a great teacher who goes above and beyond with this training. It's easy to tell just how passionate she is about yoga and helping others. She provides a nonjudgmental space to learn, practice and grow. This training extends beyond simply learning the different yoga positions. From this training you can expect to learn how to intuitively build an hour long vinyasa yoga class. I also learned how to push past my physical and mental breaking points. I became a stronger, more confident person and meet amazing people a long the way. This training is fun, challenging and overall an amazing experience that I am very grateful for.
-Haleigh Herman (YTT 2023)
I was looking for something new to release stress from my body which was manifesting in my low back. After noticing the ad for Yoga State’s Teacher Training, I decided to inquire about it. Jen was more than helpful and answered many of my questions right away.
I was a little skeptical about beginning my YT training because I’m not flexible at all! I relayed this information to Jen. She was so reassuring and explained that yoga is way more than the poses and being flexible. She made the payment plan super easy and I was sold!
I started my training and was making instant breakthroughs. I learned how to use my breath which we are pretty much never taught to do. This alone was life changing!
Jen gave us her knowledge with the kindness of a friend and the care like a mother. She’s great at bringing your true potential out of you! I highly recommend this Teacher Training for anyone who’s interested.
-Petra Gonzalez (YTT 2023)